Surprise! Here’s a brand new blog series to start off your Monday morning. In celebration of National Poetry Month and APIA Heritage Month this year, we (the editors) hope to be able to lead you to an audio recording of a different poem that has moved, challenged, or stuck with us each Monday morning, for the duration of April and May. A little something to listen to while you’re brushing your teeth, eating breakfast, or checking your email. A poem to start off the week. We hope to simultaneously expose you to the wealth of multimedia performances of poems that are available on the web, and to share with you the delight of hearing poems that you might, hitherto, have only experienced on the page.
Today’s Monday Morning Poem is a recording taken from the wonderful archives at From the Fishhouse:
Oliver de la Paz’s “Aubade with a Book and a Rattle from a String of Pearls.”
This is an elegy, an achingly beautiful one that has haunted me (Iris) since I first heard the poet read it in Chicago at AWP 2010. The tenderness with which de la Paz handles his subject is deeply moving to me (particularly as I continue to reflect on the loved ones whom I have lost this past year), and, in combination with the resonance of his sonics and the spareness of his tone and syntax, paints a rich portrait of a woman that is at once ferocious and yet gentle, quiet and yet somehow audaciously brave.
To listen to the recording, click through and then hit “play” on the grey bar next to the ear icon at the top of the page.
Henry Leung’s interview with Mr. de la Paz will appear on the blog later this week.
Happy Monday!